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Savory Sauvignon Blancs: The Ultimate Wine Choice for Sophisticated Palates


By Lily S.

- Jun 22, 2024

Not too long ago, we conducted a survey among our esteemed readers to understand their favorite white wine selection. Conventionally, one would anticipate Chardonnay - America's preferred white wine for ages. Surprisingly, our savvy readers veered towards a variant that's less conventional but equally sophisticated, Sauvignon Blanc.

There's much to admire about Sauvignon Blanc. It is vibrant and vivacious, delivering a tangy punch while its counterpart dances with subtlety. In differing regions, it unfolds in distinctive forms-Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand rings with flavors of fresh cut grass and bell peppers while elsewhere, it dons an austere, flinty character. Other times, it embraces softer notes of melon or mango.

The wine's allure is consistent-it evokes hints of citrus, like grapefruit, lemon, lime. Without frequently being aged in oak or embodying a richer style, it delivers an invigorating kick that invigorates the palate, hence becoming a favored aperitif.

Sauvignon Blanc thrives in a plethora of wine-producing countries, though not all locales magnify its bright acidity or prevent it from acquiring an odd plumpness due to excessive warmth. However, it shines magnificently in several places, including New Zealand, California, Chile, France, and surprisingly, Styria in Austria.

Next is a compilation of top-ranking Sauvignon Blancs worth considering, ranging from zesty Bordeaux blancs blending Sauvignon Blanc with Sémillon to the Chilean variety from Domaines Barons de Rothschild Lafite that highlights its lime and grapefruit nuances.

Don't forget France's renowned Sancerre region, a prevalent go-to Sauvignon Blanc for many restaurants in America. Bordeaux should not be missed-it often combines Sauvignon with Sémillon and is aged in oak barrels, yielding golden-fruited whites.

We also spotlight Chile's Lapostolle, Hanna's Russian River Valley selection, and Germany's Von Winning Pfalz region, known for Riesling production but also remarkable for spectacular Sauvignon Blanc.

California too boasts Sauvignon Blancs renowned for their well-rounded, melony character, less common grassy and green pepper undertones. But be prepared for potential price increments. For budget-friendly alternatives, look for Mary Taylor's French imports, one of them being the pear- and lime-infused Sauvignon from Alice Berthier's vineyard in Coteaux du Giennois.

Lastly, New Zealand made a global mark for its unique Sauvignon Blancs back in the late 1980s and early '90s. Today, it accounts for almost 86% of its exported wines. While the flavors have subdued compared to the initial years, the true spirit of New Zealand still prominently shines in each glass.

So why not venture beyond the traditional and explore the multifaceted world of Sauvignon Blancs? These exquisite varieties promise to make your wine expedition truly worthwhile.