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The Fruit Paradox: American Consumption Vs. Waste


By Carl R.

- Mar 25, 2024

In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uncovered that a microscopic 12% of Americans manage to fulfill their daily fruit requirement. This concerning statistic is even worse when considering low-income individuals.

Undoubtedly, fruits and vegetables are staples in a salubrious diet, yet accessibility becomes an alarming issue for those residing in regions of food insecurity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that in 2022, an eye-popping 44.2 million citizens experienced life in food-insecure households.

Adding to the paradox, approximately 30-40% of the total food supply in the US ends up in the trash heap.

"Picking any fruit is a positive step towards health if you reside in a place with access to fresh produce," states registered dietitian Danielle Crumble Smith. Every fruit, with its unique nutritional composition, contributes to your health in a different way.

Why is fruit so crucial, though? As per Crumble Smith's insight to the USA TODAY, fruits are power-packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, and other vital nutrients. Instead of reaching out for your usual caffeine dose, a piece of fruit can be a better energy booster during the midday lethargy.

While natural sugar serves as a healthy energy source, combining a serving of fruit with protein can significantly amplify your energy levels. Despite this, Crumble Smith urges individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance, or blood sugar irregularities to practice caution. Managing portion sizes or pairing your fruit serving with protein-boosted foods like yogurt or cheese can be beneficial strategies.

Fruit smoothies are another convenient yet nutrition-rich option to meet your daily fruit quotas. But she advises to blend them at home, far from the enticements of smoothie bars or enticing ready-to-drink bottle available at stores. Thoroughly reading nutritional labels of these juices can help check for excessive added sugars.

"Concentrated fruit options are often loaded with sugar while being devoid of protein, which is crucial to stabilize blood sugar levels," Crumble Smith disclosed to USA TODAY in 2023.

So, how much fruit intake is recommended daily? The answer depends on a myriad of factors like age, height, sex, weight, and physical activity levels. A ballpark figure given by USDA is that adults should ideally consume about 2 cups of fruit every day.

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